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Pre-schools, Childcare, Infantcare and other Centres Login

Not included in SeriousAboutSchool‘s extensive database yet? Opened a new centre? Contact us to get your listing up for free!

It is SeriousAboutSchool’s mission to include ALL enrichment, childcare centres, tuition centres and schools for children age 0 - 12 years old under one roof so that our busy parents are provided with ALL the options for their precious ones to make informed decisions. Join our network now!

If you would like to gain more visibility for your business, we would love to share with you our unique approach to branding. Simply email to and we will be in touch!

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If you want your image to fit perfectly, please resize it to 400px x 400px for best fit. (Max File Size is 400KB only.)

*Information filled in here will be for internal communication with SAP admin only, not visible to the public.

Name of Person-in-Charge refers to the person handling all the listings and account correspondences for the website.
**Email address is for all correspondences with website admin as well as future logging in.

* Denotes Mandatory Fields.