preschool singapore expert

SUPERHEROES Brain Training

Research findings on brain science reveal that the first 6 years is the most critical period of brain growth. Scientists have discovered that the brain grows at an incredible rate in the period between birth to 3 years old. It grows to about 80% of adult size by 3 years old and 90% of adult size by 5 years old. The brain s growth rate would slow down considerably by the time they are 6 years of age. Babies learn the fastest the younger they are. SuperBrain Training Programme specializes in Whole Brain Development programme for children aged 6 months to 6 years old. SUPERHEROES BRAIN TRAINING ACADEMY is a specially designed Right Brain Training & Whole Brain Development programme to unleash & harness the Genius Potentials hidden in any child. Using specially designed method & curriculum, we provide customized Whole Brain Development programmes for various age groups from 6 months to 6 years old, to unlock genius potential and hidden abilities of each child.

Trial Class

Whole Brain Development/ IQ/ EQ/ Stimulation

70 Minutes
Right Brain Training
Branch Address: Age Group(s):
Goldhill Centre | Central Region
191A Thomson Road Goldhill Centre (Level 2) Singapore 307632
6258 1801
18 months - 2 years
2-3 years
3-4 years
4-5 years
5-6 years
6-18 months
  1. preschool singapore expert

    Register for their free trial via their website and we are allowed to sit in and accompany our child and see how the class is being conducted. Also if I signed up on the spot they allow waiver of their registration fee and material fee. If I signed more terms, I can enjoy more discounts from the school fees but I only signed one term to try out first. Comparing their fees, it is reasonable and slightly lower than other centres. As for the teachers, they are lively and engaging. But not sure if this is because parents are inside the classroom and so they tend to be more expressive and fun. I do like the pace of the class as it is not that fast and stressful and also able to capture my child's attention better. The class size so far I saw was 6 children max for even a weekend class. They have varied hands on activities especially on counting and number recognition, in terms of alphabets and phonics not that in depth, pattern recognition, colours etc. more about building the child's memory.

  2. preschool singapore expert

    Register for their free trial via their website and we are allowed to sit in and accompany our child and see how the class is being conducted. Also if I signed up on the spot they allow waiver of their registration fee and material fee. If I signed more terms, I can enjoy more discounts from the school fees but I only signed one term to try out first. Comparing their fees, it is reasonable and slightly lower than other centres. As for the teachers, they are lively and engaging. But not sure if this is because parents are inside the classroom and so they tend to be more expressive and fun. I do like the pace of the class as it is not that fast and stressful and also able to capture my child's attention better. The class size so far I saw was 6 children max for even a weekend class. They have varied hands on activities especially on counting and number recognition, in terms of alphabets and phonics not that in depth, pattern recognition, colours etc. more about building the child's memory.

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