Dragon Boat Festival Story
This Dragon Boat Festival, join Serious About Preschool and ELFA PRESCHOOL in a story session on a Dragon Boat Story: '伊伊, 端午节快乐!'
伊伊, 端午节快乐!
Date: 11 June 2021, Friday
Time: 8 PM
Watch It Here: Facebook & YouTube
伊伊, 端午节快乐!: 端午节快到了,奶奶告诉伊伊“五月五,庆端午,划龙舟,敲锣鼓。龙王掌管降雨,龙舟赛就是祭拜龙神、祈祷风调雨顺、国泰民安的一种形式。”伊伊想,“他那么神通广大,应该可以解答我的所有问题吧?”五天五件事,每晚伊伊都把自己困惑的问题留给龙王来“指点迷经”。这五件事包括家里的活动、学校的活动以及陪爸爸去参加龙舟赛。直到故事末尾,才点出每天“聆听”伊伊故事和问题并给出参考答案的就是爸爸。
ELFA PRESCHOOL has been operating preschools in Singapore and China for more than two decades. With a network of more than 30 preschool centres in Singapore and China, it is the most awarded Singapore preschool brand in China. Fusing the best early childhood practices in Singapore and China, ELFA has attained excellence in curriculum quality and school management, even in the most populous mandarin native-speaking country in the world. ELFA’s award-winning bilingual programme is suitable for children between the ages of 18 months and six years. At ELFA, they strive to nurture children’s interest and build a strong foundation in Mandarin with early immersion in the Chinese language and culture. Their emphasis is on helping young learners acquire Chinese oral language and reading skills while moulding characters and instilling positive values.
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