Teacher's Day Stories

Join Serious About Preschool for an adventure of Teacher's Day Stories in English and Chinese!
Teacher's Day Stories (in English and Mandarin)
This Teacher's Day, Serious About Preschool has prepared 4 stories for your kids: 'Don't eat the teacher', 'How to get your teacher ready', '我是一名教师‘ and ’老师,请您帮帮我‘
Teacher's Day Stories in English
Story 1: Don't Eat The Teacher by Nick Ward
Date: 27 August 2021, Friday
Time: 8 PM
Watch It Here: Facebook & YouTube
Get The Book Here: Amazon
Don't Eat The Teacher: Sammy is a shark with a bad habit--when he gets excited, he bites things. And on the first day of school, he's very excited. He (accidentally) bites the kitchen table, (almost) eats a friend while playing tag, and... (gulp!) swallows the teacher! But Sammy quickly learns his lesson: "Don't eat the stories, don't eat the paintings, don't eat the classroom, and...DON'T EAT THE TEACHER!"
Story 2: How To Get Your Teacher Ready by Jean Reagen
Date: 3 September 2021, Friday
Time: 8 PM
Watch It Here: Facebook & YouTube
Get The Book Here: Amazon | Shopee
Teacher's Day Stories in Chinese
Story 3: 我是一名教师
Date: 29 August 2021, Sunday
Time: 10 AM
Watch It Here: Facebook & YouTube
我是一名教师: 绘本故事讲的是一名幼儿园的老师,这位大姐姐一样的老师每天非常敬业,她总是早早来到学校,做好一切准备工作等待小朋友们的到来。
Story 4: 老师,请您帮帮我!
Date: 4 September 2021, Saturday
Time: 10 AM
Watch It Here: Facebook & YouTube
老师,请您帮帮我!: 小学老师和幼儿园老师到底有什么不同呢?他们也会帮助我吗?即将成为小学生的小甜橙很想知道答案,却始终没人告诉她。
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