Is it too early for my K1 boy to start Math Enrichment?
Asked By : rosydaisy
Words from the Expert:

Question: Is it too early to start my K1 boy for academic enrichment such as Math? Should I start early or only when he is not doing well in his subjects in primary school?

It is never too early to expose your child to mathematical concepts and to the world of numeracy. Sending your child for Mathematics enrichment can help your child hone critical thinking skills and problem-solving skills that will benefit him or her for life. With regard to English enrichment, it is never too early to start developing your child’s love for the language as well. Sending your child for English enrichment can help hone your child’s communication skills and listening skills, amongst many other literacy skills.

Exposing your child to literacy and numeracy skills from a young age enables your child to make the transition to formal schooling in primary school more confidently and comfortably. Confidence is key in developing passionate and self-directed learners. Waiting till your child is not doing well in primary school can affect your child’s confidence level, and in turn, his or her attitude towards learning. Of course, apart from the knowledge and skills that your child can pick up from enrichment, there are also many positive learning dispositions that enrichment can help to develop in your child. Your child can start developing a growth mindset or start becoming a more self-aware learner.

Having said that, choosing the correct enrichment is key. It is important that your child picks up these literacy and numeracy skills in an environment that is fun, safe and nurturing. Enrichment lessons do not have to be boring and stressful. Lessons that focus on active learning and exploratory activities can both pique your child’s interest and ignite a love for learning that goes beyond the classroom. It is also very important that your child’s learning environment is a safe space for him or her to take risks and make mistakes. Undertaking challenges, failing in a safe space, and bouncing back from mistakes allows your child to develop the right learning dispositions like perseverance and inventiveness.

Having your child go for enrichment early can help your child see the world of English and Mathematics in their daily life. It is never too early to have your child be able to tell how much time he or she has left at the playground to play before dinnertime, to have your child confidently split the pizza at dinnertime equally among the diners seated at the table or to have your child confidently hold a conversation at the dinner table with the adults about a driverless car that he or she learnt about at enrichment that afternoon.

Sue Lynn Lee
Academic Director for Early Years Programme

The Learning Lab