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Question: Is it 'safe' for my child to only focus on 1 language in a school that offers full Chinese curriculum?
Question: There are schools that advocate full Chinese curriculum. But is it 'safe' to only focus on 1 language in their early years? How do we ensure that the kids are not lacking behind ...
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Brian Caswell
Dean of Research and Programme Development
MindChamps Chinese Pre-SchoolQuestion: I understand there are different approaches adopted by preschools. Which is the best for my child?
Many parents may have heard of approaches like Montessori or Reggio Emilia. While both approaches advocate holistic well-rounded education for children in the critical foundation years, let’s e...
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Dr. Henry Toi
Dean, Research & Development
Mulberry Learning CentreQuestion: How can we inject fun and cultivate interest for Mandarin learning and speaking in young children? My 3 year old insists on replying me in English even when I speak to her in Mandarin.
Use it in play and other daily activitiesChildren are born linguistic geniuses and are naturally curious. This perfect combination means that the best way is to expose them constantly to Mandarin usag...
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YouLe Mandarin Centre
Question: What is Vedic Math? What are the advantages of a child who has gone through Vedic Math teaching compared to one that does not?
Jessie Lim
Vedic Mathematics is the collective name given to a set of sixteen sutras (formulas) from the Vedic period in India from 1500 to 800 B.C. These sutras were originally written in Sanskrit and were buil...
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Math Monkey
Question: How do I determine which musical instrument should my child pick up? For example, if my child claims he is more keen in learning drum but i prefer him to learn piano instead. Which should i choose as I feel he might not really know what he wants.
Children below the age of 8 can be fickle-minded about almost everything, simply because this is the exploratory stage and everything in the world before them can be fascinating. Being an Asian parent...
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Perfect Pitch
Question: My soon-to-be 3 yr old daughter on terrible twos phase is throwing tantrums and crying every morning.
Question: I have a soon-to-be 3 yr old daughter who has been really difficult to manage recently. I understand she might be going through the terrible twos phase and there will be tantrums and crying...
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Senior Occupational Therapist
MindChamps Allied CareQuestion: Is it too early to start my <2 years old to music and movement classes? Is there any benefit to exposure babies or toddlers so early or should I wait till they are older?
Parent Lim
It is not too early to start Early Childhood Music and Movement classes for your child, who is under two.“Your child’s brain is a work in progress with trillions of neurons waiting to be w...
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Our Music Studio
Question: What is the appropriate age for me to send my child to a adult-accompanied playgroup? Is it just mainly play and not really learning anything?
Starting from the age of 6 months old, infants start to become very curious about their surroundings and very attentive to details. They learn about their environment by keenly exploring through touch...
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Question: What is right-brain training? How can it benefit a child's early development? Is it a must to practise at home after lessons and if I don’t have time to, will it be a waste of money to send him for such classes?
What is right-brain training?You have probably heard or read about left or right-brained dominance, where each side of the brain controls different types of thinking.Left BrainThe left brain is the &l...
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Heguru Education Centre
Question: What are the benefits for introducing various sports early to young toddlers?
Mrs Kat
There are many benefits to introducing a variety of sports to young children but the 2 main ones I believe are: It promotes holistic development that is key for the foundation of motor skills and fur...
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Ready Steady Go Kids
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