Children Speech and Drama ELEMENTARY LEVEL 2
ELEMENTARY LEVEL 2 5 - 6 year olds - Kindergarten 2 Students work towards longer, more sustainable presentations of rhymes and poems. In addition, they are encouraged to use their oral language skills to solve problems posed through role-play adventures, and explore techniques of voice projection.
Speech & Drama
90 Minutes
Branch Address: | Age Group(s): |
United Square | Central Region 101 Thomson Road #03-18 / #04-22 United Square, Singapore 307591 paularawlins@lornawhiston.com.sg +65 6253 7688 |
5-6 years |
Parkway | East Region 80 Marine Parade Road #07-05 Parkway Parade Singapore 449269 loribormann@lornawhiston.com.sg +65 6348 7550 |
5-6 years |
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