preschool singapore expert

Dance and Movement Therapy

Being a pioneer dance school in offering AMT for children with special needs, we take special care in nurturing and integrating these little ones into mainstream social settings with grace and confidence. We strive to capture your child s attention and impart core concepts through an engaging a combination of songs, movement, and vibrant visual aids. Our structured, music assisted learning curriculum, is tailored to the needs of children with autism, developmental disabilities and neurological impairments. AMT(Autism Movement Therapy) is a sensory integration strategy that connects both the left and right hemispheres of the brain. It combines patterning, visual movement estimation, audible receptive processing, sequencing and rhythm into a whole brain cognitive thinking approach.



Music and movement, whole brain activity for special needs children
Branch Address: Age Group(s):
North Canal Road | Central Region
10 North Canal Road Singapore 048823
6532 0406
5-6 years
above 6 years old

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