Hip Hop is a progressive course with a thematic approach towards the learning of Hip Hop. The syllabus contains levels with lessons progressing systematically through each level. No fixed dance routines will be taught for introductory classes in order to focus on the foundations. Students will master the technical skills of Hip Hop and learn to build strength, stamina and flexibility. Basics such as how to bounce, groove, wave and learning how to move to a variety of tempos and time signatures will be emphasized. For beginner courses, students will also learn to pick up simple choreography. Reinforcement of the previous lesson will aid the students' in recalling of what was learnt in the previous lesson and help to reinforce the work at hand. As Hip Hop is a continually evolving and changing genre we envisage regular updates and variations to the syllabus.
Branch Address: | Age Group(s): |
North Canal Road | Central Region 10 North Canal Road Singapore 048823 contact@wingstowings.com 6532 0406 |
3-4 years 4-5 years 5-6 years above 6 years old |
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