Julia Gabriel Centre Free Trial Class

preschool singapore expert

Enrol your child for a free trial lesson and to catch a glimpse of the classes at Julia Gabriel Centre!

Julia Gabriel Centre Free Trial Class

Enrol your child, 18 months to 9 years old, in a free trial lesson (up to 90 minutes) to gain an authentic experience of what to expect in our classes.

Our programmes are carefully created by a team of specialist curriculum writers who understand that children learn best in a safe, nurturing environment where individuals are empowered to be their most confident, expressive and passionate selves. Meet our inspirational educators, find out what we mean by EduDrama® and how it will benefit your child, and discover how we help each individual meet their full potential.

Some of our programmes includes PLAYCLUB (For 18 months – 3 years) which encourages autonomy in toddlers as they explore their surroundings, STORIES ALIVE (For 8 months – 3 years) a programme that uses quality children’s literature to bring words and concepts alive in the most imaginative ways and I LOVE READING (For Nursery 1 – Nursery 2) which helps children develop reading rediness through participation in drama activities based on the Alphabet Zoo book.

Age: 18 months to 9 years old
Date: 12 to 24 July
Duration: 90 minutes

Check out more programmes and sign up for free trial HERE

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